Date writ­ten: 28 Sep­tem­ber 2019

Date post­ed: 7 Octo­ber 2019

This post was writ­ten by hand in my diary on the road, and entered into the blog when I got home.

After the hard day yes­ter­day, today was bril­liant! Awoke refreshed, with not a lot of dis­tance to cov­er to fin­ish off Leg 4 — about 40 km to Bor­der­town, SA. I left Kani­va ear­ly and head­ed out for the bor­der between Vic­to­ria and South Aus­tralia at Ser­vice­ton. I was soooo hap­py to final­ly reach the bor­der. Although I’ve already cov­ered half the dis­tance of my jour­ney, in my mind the bor­der has always been the ‘halfway’ milestone.

The bor­der rest-stop was good — a nine­­teenth-cen­­tu­ry dis­pute over 3km of the bor­der between Vic­to­ria and South Aus­tralia, which made it all the way to the High Court and then the Privy Coun­cil, made for an inter­est­ing read, and might explain some of the ear­ly ani­mos­i­ty and rival­ry between the two colonies. I stayed at the rest stop to brew a cof­fee (what bet­ter way to mark leav­ing Vic­to­ria) and for­got to put my watch back, so was 30 min­utes out for the rest of the day until I realised.

Stop­ping at the quar­an­tine bins for fruit at the bor­der, I met a Ger­man cou­ple in a rent­ed camper­van on their way to Ade­laide, then Ulu­ru. From what they told me I’m fair­ly cer­tain they’re going to climb it, but I did­n’t push back on the issue. I did, how­ev­er, warn them to take croc­o­dile warn­ings seri­ous­ly, as our sal­ties seem to love the taste of Ger­man backpacker.

I arrived in Bor­der­town just before mid­day (although I thought it was after 12, of course, because of my watch on Vic­to­ri­an time) and decid­ed to pull into the pub for a beer and some lunch, and to watch the AFL Grand Final between the Rich­mond Tigers and the Greater West­ern Syd­ney Giants. The plan was to find a camp­site and get my laun­dry done after the game. Today was meant to be a total rest day, if I had’ve made it all the way yesterday.

Sit­ting at the bar hav­ing a few froth­ies in my school dress, I pro­vid­ed plen­ty of amuse­ment and laughs to the Bor­der­town locals there to watch the game and cash in on an arrange­ment where­by those in the pub­’s footy tip­ping com­pe­ti­tion dur­ing the sea­son received free drinks — beer, wine, spir­its, every­thing — for the dura­tion of the game. So you can imag­ine, there were some great local char­ac­ters in there to get “their mon­ey’s worth”. I final­ly realised my watch was late when the game start­ed half an hour ear­ly (by the pub clock)!

Whilst drink­ing, eat­ing a nice chick­en par­ma, and thor­ough­ly enjoy­ing the on-field, arse-fuck­­ing defeat being doled out to Toby Greene and his mates from the Greater West­ern Shit­fight, the pub­li­can Cather­ine Wheel­er offered me a free room for the night! Bonus!! It was a won­der­ful devel­op­ment, as I was hav­ing a lot of fun and meant I could keep drink­ing. Hehehe…

The only catch to the free room is that I can’t get access to my bicy­cle until 0930 tomor­row morn­ing, and will there­fore have to real­ly get going once the bike is out of the shed, to allow for my inevitable hang­over. That’s OK though, I’ll sleep in and get my laun­dry etc. done before I leave.

How I’d rate today’s journey:

The Journey

The stats

This ride was split over more than one day, due to inclement weather.

Distance ridden
0h 0m 0s
Riding time
Elevation (climbed)
Average speed
Average heartrate
Calories burned
Max speed
Pedal strokes
Down­load file: bikeit-day4-horsham-bordertown.gpx

This post first appeared at

I have since retired the web­site as it is no longer need­ed and was cost­ing me mon­ey. I have copied the key arti­cles here.

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