With rivers in Victoria about to close for the 2020 winter ‘closed season’, and my daughter’s birthday the same day, we decided to hit the Goulburn and Rubicon Rivers near Eildon for some last-ditch trout.
Anneliese has never fished in the river before, so we had to buy her some waders first. The waders she has in the photos below were the smallest size we could find, and still had to be substantially adjusted to fit. I guess the fishing industry isn’t really catering to teenage girls…
We first fished the Goulburn River at Gilmore’s Bridge (near Thornton) and then tried our luck in the Rubicon between Camp Jungai and the trout egg farm, and snapped off a large Atlantic salmon that had obviously escaped from the farm and moved up river. We finished the day fishing up at the Pondage, after braving the crowds in Eildon that weren’t even thinking about social distancing. We caught a nice little brown trout for dinner, and had a pretty good day together.