Date writ­ten: 30 Novem­ber 2020

Date post­ed: 7 Decem­ber 2020

This post was writ­ten by hand in my diary on the road, and entered into the blog when I got home.

I slept in today, and had a nice camp­fire break­fast of fried eggs, mues­li bars and espres­so cof­fee, before pack­ing my bag and explor­ing the Camp­bells Island State For­est on my way down to Barham and Koondrook.

Koon­drook is a lit­tle town on the Vic­to­ri­an side of the Mur­ray, and Barham is a slight­ly larg­er, but still small town on the NSW side. I crossed the riv­er into Barham and stopped at the bak­ery for a shep­herd’s pie and chips, chat­ting to a local named ‘Dar­by’, who was 80 and had lived in the area most of his life. Barham is a nice enough lit­tle place and remind­ed me very much of Went­worth, near Mil­du­ra but again on the NSW side of the river.

At the bridge on Thule Street, crossing the Murray between Koondrook on the Victorian side and Barham on the NSW

I stopped at the gen­er­al store in Koon­drook for cold drinks, water and fresh worms for bait, then head­ed back into the for­est, this time Gun­bow­er State For­est, to roam the tracks along the Mur­ray. For the most part from Murra­bit I have fol­lowed the Riv­er Track, which mean­ders along the Mur­ray, not turn­ing into every sin­gle long wind­ing bend but for the most part stick­ing to the course of the riv­er, and the track is a pret­ty good track for most of its length, get­ting rut­ted and slip­pery in parts but oth­er­wise easy to fol­low. I saw kan­ga­roos and spooked a cou­ple of emus who ‘took flight’ pret­ty close to my bike due to the qui­eter nature of a bicy­cle ver­sus the 4WDs and oth­er motorised vehi­cles they’re like­ly used to.

At about 1500 I stopped to camp at a nice spot near Iron Punt Land­ing and the inter­sec­tion of the Riv­er Track and Thread­er Track. It is a stun­ning place, but with­out phone recep­tion (per­haps adding to its allure for some!) and I’ve since caught a lit­tle yel­low­bel­ly (gold­en perch) and seen and heard plen­ty of cock­a­toos and kook­abur­ras. I had a dip in the warm water before hav­ing a Back­coun­try freeze-dried meal of “Beef Teriya­ki” for din­ner, as I could­n’t dis­cern whether today is a total fire ban or not.

The Journey

The stats

Distance ridden
0h 0m 0s
Riding time
Elevation (climbed)
Average speed
Max speed
Pedal strokes
Down­load file: murray-2020-d2-murrabit-cohuna.gpx

On my trav­els today, I passed through such beau­ti­ful coun­try and would like to acknowl­edge the tra­di­tion­al cus­to­di­ans of that land, the Yor­ta Yor­ta peo­ple, and pay my respects to their Elders, past and present. I’d like to thank them for look­ing after the coun­try for more than 80,000 years.

Category: Camping, Cycling, Fishing
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