Date writ­ten: 1 Decem­ber 2020

Date post­ed: 5 Decem­ber 2020

This post was writ­ten by hand in my diary on the road, and entered into the blog when I got home.

I had a bit of rain today, but noth­ing too heavy and after the past few days, it was actu­al­ly quite refresh­ing. I woke in Cohu­na, had my cof­fee and break­fast and packed down my camp quite quick­ly. I did­n’t have phone recep­tion so was keen to get into a bet­ter area for it so I could let my part­ner know I was OK, etc. I was also low on water so decid­ed to ven­ture away from the Mur­ray to detour through Cohu­na township.

I rode along the Riv­er Track for a while, hap­pen­ing across some bridge­works at the Sleep­er Track reg­u­la­tor, where the con­struc­tion work­ers kind­ly let me car­ry my bike across. I saw some emus and kan­ga­roos on the way to Cohu­na, but oth­er­wise it was a fair­ly unevent­ful but thor­ough­ly enjoy­able ride into town.

In Cohu­na I stopped for cof­fee at the Old Farmery Cof­fee Shop, where the cof­fee was quite good. I filled up my water bot­tles, had a muf­fin and called Danielle. I also saw a lady I’d seen yes­ter­day at the Barham Bakery.

From Cohu­na I rode back along the Cohu­na Island Road around Gun­bow­er Creek, stop­ping for a few pho­tos and enjoy­ing the road itself — tree-lined and pic­turesque with very lit­tle traf­fic but a good sur­face, the road wound itself along wet­lands and I saw a lot of birds and scenery.

I turned off at Tick­ells Road, near Tay­lor Lagoon to return to the Riv­er Track along the Mur­ray. Gun­bow­er Nation­al Park is very beau­ti­ful, the tracks are good and I knew this area a bit bet­ter as I’ve camped around here many times before. I stopped at a great camp spot I used to reg­u­lar­ly use with friends at Bro­ken Riv­er Bend.

I caught plen­ty of fish — 3 yel­low­bel­lies, a sil­ver perch, a carp and a big Mur­ray cod who was cer­tain­ly in the size lim­it, about 60cm I’d esti­mate, and was des­tined to become my din­ner until I got him in close, climbed into the water (as I have no net) and tried to land him, but alas! He snapped off and swam away to live anoth­er day.

The wind this after­noon has been very rough. My DAC tarp pole is bend­ing like an old man, my tarps have ripped heaps of pegs out and after a while of this I decid­ed to pack down my gear into my tent and fly, and retire for an ear­ly evening. It’s about 1930 and I’m ready for bed.

The Journey

The stats

Distance ridden
0h 0m 0s
Riding time
Elevation (climbed)
Average speed
Max speed
Pedal strokes
Down­load file: murray-2020-d3-cohuna-torrumbarry.gpx

On my trav­els today, I passed through such beau­ti­ful coun­try and would like to acknowl­edge the tra­di­tion­al cus­to­di­ans of that land, the Yor­ta Yor­ta peo­ple, and pay my respects to their Elders, past and present. I’d like to thank them for look­ing after the coun­try for more than 80,000 years.

Category: Camping, Cycling, Fishing
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