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Flawed Hero

The shock­ing sto­ry of the case against Aus­trali­a’s most high­ly dec­o­rat­ed sol­dier, Ben Roberts-Smith VC MG, and the defama­tion tri­al of the century.

With a Vic­to­ria Cross and Medal for Gal­lantry, Ben Roberts-Smith was the most high­ly dec­o­rat­ed Aus­tralian sol­dier, the best of the best. When he returned to civil­ian life, he became a poster boy for a nation hun­gry for war­rior heroes. He embod­ied the myth of the clas­sic Anzac, sev­en-foot-tall and bul­let­proof. But as his pub­lic rep­u­ta­tion con­tin­ued to grow, inside the army rumours were circulating.

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Crossing The Line

War is bru­tal. But there are lines that should nev­er be crossed. In mid-2017, whis­pers of exe­cu­tions, and cov­er-ups with­in Aus­trali­a’s most secre­tive and elite mil­i­tary unit, the SAS, reached Walk­ley Award-win­ning jour­nal­ist Nick McKen­zie. He and Chris Mas­ters began an inves­ti­ga­tion that would not only reveal shock­ing truths about Ben Roberts-Smith VC but plunge the reporters into the defama­tion tri­al of the century.

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The Incredible Life of Hubert Wilkins: Australia’s Greatest Explorer

The extra­or­di­nary, must-read sto­ry of the brave, bold Hubert Wilkins — Aus­trali­a’s most adven­tur­ous explor­er, nat­u­ral­ist, pho­tog­ra­ph­er, war hero, avi­a­tor, spy and dare­dev­il — brought to life by Aus­trali­a’s great­est sto­ry­teller. Sir Hubert Wilkins is one of the most remark­able Aus­tralians who ever lived. The son of pio­neer pas­toral­ists in South Aus­tralia, Hubert stud­ied engi­neer­ing before mov­ing on to pho­tog­ra­phy, then sail­ing for Eng­land and a job pro­duc­ing films with the Gau­mont Film Co. Brave and bold, he became a polar expe­di­tion­er, a bril­liant war pho­tog­ra­ph­er, a spy in the Sovi­et Union, a pio­neer­ing avi­a­tor-nav­i­ga­tor, a death-defy­ing sub­mariner — all while being an explor­er and chron­i­cler of the plan­et and its life forms that would do Vas­co da Gama and Sir David Atten­bor­ough proud. As a WW1 pho­tog­ra­ph­er he was twice award­ed the Mil­i­tary Cross for brav­ery under fire, the only Aus­tralian pho­tog­ra­ph­er in any war to be dec­o­rat­ed. He went on expe­di­tion with Sir Ernest Shack­le­ton, led a ground­break­ing nat­ur­al his­to­ry study in Aus­tralia and was knight­ed in 1928 for his avi­a­tion exploits, but many more astound­ing achieve­ments would fol­low. Wilkins’ quest for knowl­edge and polar explo­rations were life­long pas­sions and his mis­sions to polar regions aboard the sub­ma­rine Nau­tilus the stuff of leg­end. With mas­ter­ful sto­ry­telling skill, Peter FitzSi­mons illu­mi­nates the life of Hubert Wilkins and his incred­i­ble achieve­ments. Thrills and spills, der­ring-do, new worlds dis­cov­ered — this is the most unfor­get­table tale of the most extra­or­di­nary life lived by any Australian.

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The Ship That Never Was: The Greatest Escape Story Of Australian Colonial History

The great­est escape sto­ry of Aus­tralian colo­nial his­to­ry by the son of Australia’s best-loved sto­ry­teller In 1823, cock­ney sailor and chancer James Porter was con­vict­ed of steal­ing a stack of beaver furs and trans­port­ed halfway around the world to Van Diemen’s Land. After sev­er­al escape attempts from the noto­ri­ous penal colony, Porter, who told author­i­ties he was a ‘beer-machine mak­er’, was sent to Mac­quar­ie Har­bour, known in Van Diemen’s Land as hell on earth.

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