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The Name Of The Rose

The year is 1327. Fran­cis­cans in a wealthy Ital­ian abbey are sus­pect­ed of heresy, and Broth­er William of Baskerville arrives to inves­ti­gate. When his del­i­cate mis­sion is sud­den­ly over­shad­owed by sev­en bizarre deaths, Broth­er William turns detective.

William col­lects evi­dence, deci­phers secret sym­bols and cod­ed man­u­scripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey where extra­or­di­nary things are hap­pen­ing under the cov­er of night. A spec­tac­u­lar pop­u­lar and crit­i­cal suc­cess, The Name of the Rose is not only a nar­ra­tive of a mur­der inves­ti­ga­tion but an aston­ish­ing chron­i­cle of the Mid­dle Ages.

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Heart Of Darkness and Other Stories

‘The hor­ror! The hor­ror!’. These are Kurtz’s final words in Joseph Con­rad’s ‘Heart of Dark­ness’, the sto­ry of a man who trav­els into the jun­gle to seek his for­tune and who instead finds an all-con­sum­ing moral and spir­i­tu­al wilder­ness. Con­rad’s endur­ing tale served as a touch­stone for many works of fic­tion inspired by its som­bre theme. This col­lec­tion also includes an addi­tion­al five of Con­rad’s best stories.

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The Man In The High Castle

It is 1962 and the Sec­ond World War has been over for sev­en­teen years: peo­ple have now had a chance to adjust to the new order. But it’s not been easy. The Mediter­ranean has been drained to make farm­land, the pop­u­la­tion of Africa has vir­tu­al­ly been wiped out and Amer­i­ca has been divid­ed between the Nazis and the Japan­ese. In the neu­tral buffer zone that divides the two super­pow­ers lives the man in the high cas­tle, the author of an under­ground best­seller, a work of fic­tion that offers an alter­na­tive the­o­ry of world his­to­ry in which the Axis pow­ers did­n’t win the war. The nov­el is a ral­ly­ing cry for all those who dream of over­throw­ing the occu­piers. But could it be more than that?

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Les Misérables

Set against the back­ground of polit­i­cal upheaval in France fol­low­ing the rule of Napoleon I, the nov­el tells the sto­ry of the peas­ant Jean Val­jean, a con­vict strug­gling to escape his past and on the run, hunt­ed by Inspec­tor Javert, a police agent with a ruth­less con­science. Their world encom­pass­es a broad sec­tion of the out­casts, rejects and rebels of ear­ly 19th-cen­tu­ry French soci­ety, as events take in a tour of the city’s sew­ers, the bat­tle of Water­loo and the July Revolution.

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