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France: An Adventure History

A whol­ly orig­i­nal his­to­ry of France, filled with a life­time’s knowl­edge and pas­sion-by the author of the New York Times best­seller Parisians. Begin­ning with the Roman army’s first record­ed encounter with the Gauls and end­ing in the era of Emmanuel Macron, France takes read­ers on an end­less­ly enter­tain­ing jour­ney through French his­to­ry. Fre­quent­ly hilar­i­ous, always sur­pris­ing, Gra­ham Rob­b’s France com­bines the styl­is­tic ver­sa­til­i­ty of a nov­el­ist with the deep under­stand­ing of a schol­ar. Rob­b’s own adven­tures and dis­cov­er­ies while liv­ing, work­ing, and trav­el­ing in France con­nect this tour through space and time with on-the-ground expe­ri­ence. There are scenes of wars and rev­o­lu­tions from the plains of Provence to the slums and boule­vards of Paris.

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