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The Ninth Life Of A Diamond Miner: A Memoir

Grace Tame has nev­er walked on mid­dle ground. From a young age, her life was defined by uncer­tain­ty — by trau­ma and strength, sad­ness and hope, ter­ri­ble lows and won­drous highs. As a teenag­er she found the courage to speak up after expe­ri­enc­ing awful and ongo­ing child sex­u­al abuse. This fight to find her voice would not be her last. In 2021 Grace stepped square­ly into the pub­lic eye as the Aus­tralian of the Year, and was the cat­a­lyst for a tidal wave of con­ver­sa­tion and action. Aus­tralians from all walks of life were inspired and moved by her fire and pas­sion. Here she was using her voice, and encour­ag­ing oth­ers to use theirs too. The Ninth Life of a Dia­mond Min­er is Grace’s sto­ry, in Grace’s words, on Grace’s terms. Like Grace, it is sharply intel­li­gent, deeply felt and often blis­ter­ing­ly fun­ny. And, as with all her work, it offers a con­struc­tive and opti­mistic vision for a bet­ter future for all of us.

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