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Why Not Me? A Lifelong Journey of 1%ers & Becoming a World Champion

Jes­si­ca Dou­glas is a three-time World Cham­pi­on moun­tain bik­er. With­out a chance diag­no­sis of can­cer at age 14, this may nev­er have hap­pened. Accord­ing to Jess, through adver­si­ty, the suc­ces­sion of life lessons were ‘gifts’, choos­ing to see the oppor­tu­ni­ties in hard­ships and view fail­ure as the way to unlock the secrets to success. 

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Dylan Alcott has nev­er let his dis­abil­i­ty get in the way of what he want­ed to achieve. In this ful­ly updat­ed edi­tion of Able, which includes sto­ries about his lat­est achieve­ments, includ­ing Wim­ble­don and the French Open, Dylan shares his sto­ry. It’s the tale of some­one who’s proud of who he is, who has a go, does every­thing with heart and soul, who always sees the upside and nev­er takes him­self too seri­ous­ly. As inspir­ing, hon­est and fun­ny as its author, Able proves that for every one thing you can’t do, there are 10,000 oth­er things that you can.

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