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Flawed Hero

The shock­ing sto­ry of the case against Aus­trali­a’s most high­ly dec­o­rat­ed sol­dier, Ben Roberts-Smith VC MG, and the defama­tion tri­al of the century.

With a Vic­to­ria Cross and Medal for Gal­lantry, Ben Roberts-Smith was the most high­ly dec­o­rat­ed Aus­tralian sol­dier, the best of the best. When he returned to civil­ian life, he became a poster boy for a nation hun­gry for war­rior heroes. He embod­ied the myth of the clas­sic Anzac, sev­en-foot-tall and bul­let­proof. But as his pub­lic rep­u­ta­tion con­tin­ued to grow, inside the army rumours were circulating.

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