Kangaroo LARP sword sheath

I made an adjustable sword sheath for my son Declan’s LARP swords. Using entire­ly kan­ga­roo — leather out­er, tail pelt lin­ing and kan­ga­roo leather lac­ing — the sheath both pro­tects the foam/latex mate­r­i­al the sword’s blade is made from whist allow­ing for a bit of wig­gle room so the sword is easy to unsheathe. I stamped the let­ters bbq into the belt loop as Declan’s war­band name is Bar­beque.

Just in time for this week­end, where he is going on a three-day Sword­craft Bal­larat Quest event, camp­ing and LARP all week­end. I hope he gets lots of use out of it!

Materials used: Brass eyelet, Buckles, Copper rivets, Kangaroo leather, Kangaroo pelt