Getting everything packed and ready to go!

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  3. Getting everything packed and ready to go!
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With just a few days left to go until I depart, I’m putting togeth­er all my kit, just like San­ta Claus I’m mak­ing my list and check­ing it twice.

The pho­to above is my kit with­out cloth­ing, i.e. every­thing EXCEPT my cloth­ing duf­fel bag and my kitchen items (which, of course, are in the kitchen and I’ll put these togeth­er on Sun­day night).

Necessary items

  • Ham­mock, under­quilt and sus­pen­sion lines
  • Plen­ty of rope and tarps
  • 4 Klean Kan­teens (both large and small, insu­lat­ed and not)
  • 10L MSR Drom­e­dary water bladder
    See Mum! I’m not gonna die of thirst, relax…
  • Spare tubes for bike tyres.

    Update (5 Octo­ber 2019): I did­n’t end up need­ing the larg­er 700c tubes, as my Schwalbe Marathon Plus tires went the dis­tance with­out a sin­gle punc­ture! I end­ed up using one 16″ tube for the trail­er wheel at Tailem Bend.

  • Hik­ing stove and gas cylinder
  • Com­pact pots and pans, tita­ni­um cut­lery, enam­el mug and a col­lapsi­ble bowl
  • Toi­let paper
    You can last 3 days with­out water, 3 weeks with­out food, but toi­let paper…
  • Sleep­ing bag and ther­mal liner
  • Hatch­et and fire­light­ing materials.

    Update (5 Octo­ber 2019): I did­n’t end up need­ing the fire­light­ing mate­ri­als on this par­tic­u­lar trip, but would pack them again, because you nev­er know… The cheap hatch­et was very use­ful as a ham­mer also.

  • Bush­man repellent

Luxury/frivolous/silly items

  • Tobac­co and pipe
  • A good book
    No Friend But The Moun­tains, by Behrouz Boochani
  • Mini­pres­so cof­fee maker
    Rough­in’ it…
  • Scrub­ba washbag
  • Solar pan­el and bat­tery pack for electronics
  • Fish­ing rod and tack­le for those inshore blue marlin
  • Cam­era with extra bat­tery and a Goril­la­pod

This post first appeared at

I have since retired the web­site as it is no longer need­ed and was cost­ing me mon­ey. I have copied the key arti­cles here.

Category: Bike It In A Dress, Cycling
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