Date writ­ten: 1 Sep­tem­ber 2022

Date post­ed: 14 Sep­tem­ber 2022

This post was writ­ten by hand in my diary on the road, and entered into the blog when I got home.

I took the oppor­tu­ni­ty this morn­ing to sleep in a lit­tle in my nice hotel bed before lug­ging all my gear and bike down­stairs (the hotel does­n’t have a lift) to have a buf­fet break­fast at The Larder, the hotel’s restau­rant. I had a lib­er­al help­ing of hash browns, bacon, eggs, sautéed mush­rooms, mues­li, fruit and lots of gua­va juice. And of course: a dou­ble espresso!

I met a prop­er­ty devel­op­er at break­fast named Rory who was attend­ing a con­fer­ence held at the hotel, and as he was both a local (Torquay) and a cyclist, we chat­ted about my trip, the Tour de Kids and my work at Starlight, as well as cycling the Great Ocean Road. As I was check­ing out I bumped into Rory again and he donat­ed $180 to my fundrais­ing page, which was very gen­er­ous. Wher­ev­er you are Rory, thanks!

I set out for yet anoth­er beau­ti­ful day of rid­ing along coastal vis­tas of rolling hills and bluffs, stop­ping for pho­tos at look­outs and the like. It sounds like I was grow­ing tired and the trip monot­o­nous but it absolute­ly was­n’t: I also took lots of time to check out the lit­tle things, flow­ers and plants on the side of the road, lit­tle streams or water­falls or oth­er details hard to spot at 60+ kph, et cetera.

At Aireys Inlet I stopped at an 80s kid’s favourite light­house: Split Point Light­house, the set­ting for the hit ABC’s Round The Twist chil­dren’s tele­vi­sion pro­gram. It was $10 to go to the top, so I left my bike down­stairs and went up to the para­pet where I met Louise. Louise was friends with Janet Jones, a kind and friend­ly woman who cre­at­ed a fundrais­ing event for the Fiona Elsey Can­cer Research Insti­tute called the Light­house Clas­sic before los­ing her long bat­tle with can­cer in 2021. We talked about Janet and Fiona Elsey, as well as the beau­ti­ful views and oth­er nice things. Louise showed me the work­ings of the lantern, which was a tiny lit­tle mod­ern LED light sus­pend­ed between huge heatsinks. Most of the light that is emit­ted from the bea­con is ampli­fied by the glass sur­round­ing it, which was shipped from Eng­land in the 19th cen­tu­ry and is still intact, with no bro­ken sec­tions! It was very infor­ma­tive and I learnt a lot.

Whilst like­ly not this exact light, the light at Split Point looked very sim­i­lar to this one from Sealite

With all the epic surf views, it’s easy to miss the beau­ti­ful foliage and small details on the cliff side of the road

Louise rec­om­mend­ed I speak to Ari at Trail­head Bikes in Angle­sea about fix­ing my brakes and then have a cof­fee at the Laneway 73 cafe next door. I took her advice on both fronts when I arrived in Angle­sea and Ari was fan­tas­tic, get­ting me back on the road in no time. The cof­fee next door was top notch too!

Angle­sea was the end of the beach sec­tion of the Great Ocean Road and as such, I was very sad to leave it. I stopped at the Great Ocean Road Choco­la­terie on the way to Torquay to grab some treats for my part­ner and daugh­ter, and that was nice, but real­ly after Angle­sea the road got pro­gres­sive­ly duller, more traf­fic, shit­ter sur­round­ings and by the time I got to Gee­long I was very ready to go home. I stopped at Kar­dinia Park to express my feel­ings about Gee­long Foot­ball Club, at Cun­ning­ham Pier to “fin­ish” my ride at a reg­u­lar fish­ing spot, then caught the VLine train to Melbourne.

I met my part­ner Danielle at Spencer Street (South­ern Cross) Sta­tion and we both caught the train home, where I prompt­ly switched into fish­ing mode, ready to hit the Goul­burn Riv­er in Eil­don tomor­row to wel­come Trout Open Season.

I’ve had an awe­some ride! As I write this I’m in bed, absolute­ly exhaust­ed phys­i­cal­ly but emo­tion­al­ly I’m on a mas­sive high, refreshed and invig­o­rat­ed after five days of the most love­ly cycling Vic­to­ria has to offer. I com­plet­ed the entire length of the Great Ocean Road, saw so much wildlife (and seal­ife!) and met some nice peo­ple, had some adven­tures and some things go wrong, bat­tled thun­der­storms, fog, rain, wind and beau­ti­ful sun­shine to just have some won­der­ful times.

The Journey

The stats

Distance ridden
0h 0m 0s
Riding time
Elevation (climbed)
Average speed
Max speed
Down­load file: Great_Ocean_Road_Winter_Tour_Day_5_Geelong_and_home.gpx

On my trav­els today, I passed through such beau­ti­ful coun­try and would like to acknowl­edge the tra­di­tion­al cus­to­di­ans of that land, the Gadubanud and Wathau­rong peo­ple, and pay my respects to their Elders, past and present.

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