Caught 3 fish
Spinning, Bait
Species caught: Brown trout

I went out on my own for a fish on Fri­day, but my mate came up to Bal­larat today (from Mel­bourne) to take me out for a first prop­er ses­sion, today at New­lyn Reservoir.

We didn’t expect to catch any­thing, to be hon­est. Just hap­py to be out fish­ing again after six months of not being able to. So it was with no small delight that we got onto a cou­ple of brown trout in good condition.

We put bait out, both scrub­bies on a sinker and mudeyes under a float, but the fish wouldn’t touch them. We took all three of our browns on lure, bright coloured spoons and hard body min­nows. We fig­ured these to be anger-strikes as we come towards breed­ing sea­son and the fish get frus­trat­ed in the lake. But who real­ly knows? Maybe the fish were just in a mood for one lure and not the other.

Either way we appre­ci­at­ed the action we got, and had a beau­ti­ful day lazi­ly trolling lures and catch­ing up after what seems like a very dark few months fishing-wise.

My lit­tle 1–2lb brown, just per­fect size for din­ner for one.
Brown trout, stuffed and ready for the oven.
Oven-baked brown trout, tast­ed deli­cious. Thank you to this hen for pro­vid­ing me a fan­tas­tic meal.
Three browns make our catch for the day.
Nice 2–3lb brown tak­en by my friend Stephen.
Category: Fishing, Spinal Injury & Recovery
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