
2022: what a year so far! 😮‍💨

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Since start­ing the year work­ing for the Starlight Chil­dren’s Foun­da­tion, I’ve been very hap­py, and very busy in equal mea­sure. We might only be in mid-April but it feels like a very long time.

I sup­pose part of that feel­ing stems from how well I’ve seem­ing­ly fit into the team at Starlight. When I say these guys are wel­com­ing, it’s no joke. We had a big project to start the year off: tran­si­tion­ing the mar­ket­ing sys­tems from Sales­force to Microsoft, which although it has giv­en me a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to utilise my back­ground and skills, it’s also been a busy and some­times stress­ful peri­od of time, and has con­tributed to less time on the bike, and less time for fish­ing, camp­ing, and all the oth­er nice out­doorsy things I like to do. Apart from my com­mute I haven’t had much time to just ride Ser­e­na recreationally.

And that’s OK: now that I’m work­ing, our end-of-year Tas­ma­nia tour is becom­ing more real­is­tic to achieve, if we can sort out the kids for a few weeks.

Danielle has been just as busy, with the jus­tice sys­tem try­ing to clear the COVID-19 back­logs, she’s been work­ing so many tri­als she some­times is run­ning mul­ti­ple tri­als on the same day! Again, good news for us and our bank account, but the shift from a slow­er and more home-bound 2021 to the fran­tic 2022 has seen us strug­gle to keep up.

I’m hop­ing to get a trip to Eil­don tomor­row night and Wednes­day to fish some trout before the clos­ing of the sea­son in June. I’m also hop­ing to get some longer rides in on the com­ing week­ends to make the most of the nicer weath­er before win­ter returns!

Pho­to of the tired pup by Isaac Davis on Unsplash, cropped by me.

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