Posts about cycling, trips on the bike (both inter­est­ing local out­ings and mul­ti-day tour­ing trips), gear reviews, any­thing real­ly relat­ed to two-wheel­in’ fun…


Great Ocean Road Winter Tour Day 5: Lorne to Geelong

I took the oppor­tu­ni­ty this morn­ing to sleep in a lit­tle in my nice hotel bed before lug­ging all my gear and bike down­stairs (the hotel does­n’t have a lift) to have a buf­fet break­fast at The Larder, the hotel’s restau­rant. I had a lib­er­al help­ing of hash browns, bacon, eggs, sautéed mush­rooms, mues­li, fruit and lots of gua­va juice. And of course: a dou­ble espresso!

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Great Ocean Road Winter Tour Day 4: Apollo Bay to Lorne

I was awok­en at var­i­ous times dur­ing the night by the sound of cows moo­ing in the fields on the oppo­site bank of the Barham Riv­er. What nor­mal­ly might have been irri­tat­ing was actu­al­ly and per­verse­ly quite pleas­ant. I even­tu­al­ly rolled out of my sleep­ing bag just before 08:00, and imme­di­ate­ly packed up my gear, tent and bike and got moving.

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Great Ocean Road Winter Tour Day 3: Lavers Hill to Apollo Bay

I left Lavers Hill this morn­ing in heavy fog and light rain, but with good spir­its as I rolled eas­i­ly down the hill, savour­ing the ear­ly morn­ing smells of wet for­est, the ghost­ly gums fad­ing into and out of the fog, and gen­er­al­ly enjoy­ing being on my bike in the out­doors. At the bot­tom of the hill I stopped to take a pho­to of a kook­abur­ra on the side of the road, and as I checked my GPS to see what kind of inclines I had await­ing me today, I noticed some­thing ter­ri­ble: I was on the wrong road!

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Great Ocean Road Winter Tour Day 2: Port Campbell to Lavers Hill

I woke up ear­ly this morn­ing, packed my gear and got away as quick­ly as pos­si­ble, want­i­ng to max­imise the time I’d have to spend at The Twelve Apos­tles, Loch Ard Gorge et al. before tack­ling the long slow climb up to Lavers Hill, the high­est point in the Otway Ranges. Even fur­ther press­ing was the severe storm rag­ing its way across the west of Victoria.

I did­n’t want to be rid­ing a steel bicy­cle in a light­ning storm, so I had to reach Lavers Hill by about 13:00, when the storm was pre­dict­ed by the weath­er bureau to arrive. I left Port Camp­bell at 7:00, not even hav­ing break­fast as I hit the open road from Port Camp­bell to Loch Ard Gorge. The sun was ris­ing as I rode along and the tran­quil qui­et was very soothing.

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Great Ocean Road Winter Tour Day 1: Warrnambool to Port Campbell

I spent yes­ter­day soak­ing and unwind­ing in the Deep Blue hot springs at War­rnam­bool with my part­ner Danielle, and it was a beau­ti­ful day of rest and relax­ation before tack­ling the Great Ocean Road.

Today start­ed off just as nice and calm, as we had a break­fast in the hotel’s restau­rant before check­ing out at 10:00, and rid­ing my bike up to Logan’s Beach to meet Danielle at the whale watch­ing look­out (she drove after drop­ping by the super­mar­ket to grab me a replace­ment lace for my shoes). Here we saw a South­ern Right Whale moth­er and new­born calf frol­ick­ing in the shal­low surf.

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Planning a winter getaway tour along the Great Ocean Road

Although I’m absolute­ly lov­ing my job at Starlight, I’ve been work­ing pret­ty hard this year and between the pres­sures of work, fam­i­ly, home and par­ent­ing I am des­per­ate­ly in need of a lit­tle break. So I’ve booked out a week’s leave at the end of August to tack­le the Vic­to­ri­an Great Ocean Road. And because I’m a sil­ly bas­tard I’ve opt­ed for the wild and wet weath­er that the Ship­wreck Coast is renowned for at this time of year. Fun!

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My Melbourne commute to work

One of the great ben­e­fits of my new job at the Starlight Children’s Foun­da­tion is the loca­tion of the Mel­bourne office: right on the Yarra Riv­er where Church Street becomes Chapel Street, in a com­mer­cial hub of the city known as Cre­morne in Richmond.

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Roaming around Wodonga/Albury

My part­ner is a crim­i­nal bar­ris­ter, and a few times a year she under­takes cir­cuits, where she trav­els to a region­al court and works there for 3–4 weeks. Some­times she’ll come home on the week­ends, some­times not, depend­ing on the dis­tance from home. This year her Wodon­ga cir­cuit has run for the past four weeks, and I’ve joined her for this last week to spend some time togeth­er rid­ing around the area, both with her and on my own.

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Pure joy in getting back on the road again!

Final­ly got back on my bike today for the first time in 2021, after sev­en months recov­er­ing from spinal surgery. The shit­ty weath­er and blow­ing cold Bal­larat wind couldn’t take away from my sheer joy in being back on the road, with the wind in my face, fight­ing back tears of relief.

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Latest activities

  • Afternoon Ride
    On 28 March 2025 13:39 went 3.30 km during 00:11:58 hours climbing 29.00 meters burning 136 calories.
  • Evening Ride
    On 27 March 2025 18:38 went 5.34 km during 00:17:21 hours climbing 26.00 meters burning 206 calories.
  • Morning Ride
    On 27 March 2025 07:24 went 5.82 km during 00:19:21 hours climbing 23.00 meters burning 222 calories.
  • Afternoon Ride
    On 26 March 2025 17:13 went 9.69 km during 00:33:21 hours climbing 65.00 meters burning 387 calories.
  • Afternoon Ride
    On 26 March 2025 15:04 went 6.16 km during 00:17:49 hours climbing 32.00 meters burning 258 calories.

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