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The River Track runs right along the Murray River for much of the track's length

Murray River Day 2: Murrabit to Cohuna

I slept in today, and had a nice camp­fire break­fast of fried eggs, mues­li bars and espres­so cof­fee, before pack­ing my bag and explor­ing the Camp­bells Island State For­est on my way down to Barham and Koondrook.

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Murray River Day 1: Swan Hill to Murrabit

I got up nice and ear­ly this morn­ing — 0500 — to catch the Bal­larat V/Line train to Mel­bourne at 0615. I packed the bike last night, mak­ing sure every­thing was lashed and ready to go. Then lo and behold, the skies opened up and rain start­ed pour­ing! Not the most aus­pi­cious start to the trip…

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A river to myself

With Mel­bourne cur­rent­ly under Stage 4 coro­n­avirus lock­down, my annu­al trip to the high coun­try around Lake Eil­don with my mates Stephen and Mick for the open­ing of trout sea­son…
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Toby Greene looking like a sad sack

Day 6: Watching GWS get spat out by a Tiger

After the hard day yes­ter­day, today was bril­liant! Awoke refreshed, with not a lot of dis­tance to cov­er to fin­ish off Leg 4 — about 40 km to Bor­der­town, SA. I left Kani­va ear­ly and head­ed out for the bor­der between Vic­to­ria and South Aus­tralia at Ser­vice­ton. I was soooo hap­py to final­ly reach the bor­der. Although I’ve already cov­ered half the dis­tance of my jour­ney, in my mind the bor­der has always been the ‘halfway’ milestone.

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The Pink Lake, near Dimboola, known for its pink algae

Day 5: The silent ‘h’ in Nhill

I set out from Dim­boola and before long reached Loch Iel, more com­mon­ly known as the Pink Lake. This salt pan is home to a type of algae that reacts to the sun by show­ing a pink hue, mak­ing the entire lake vary­ing shades of pink depend­ing on time of year, sun posi­tion, etc. It was very beautiful…

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Freight train passing on the Western Highway between Horsham and Pimpinio

Day 4: Dimboola

I start­ed this morn­ing in the worst pos­si­ble way — dis­as­ter struck my rear axle. I snapped the ‘Bur­ley Balls’ rear axle bolt, which was made out of cheap Chi­ne­sium, as I went to depart the Dar­lot Motor Inn! I was dev­as­tat­ed — this could eas­i­ly have been the end of the adven­ture right there. I was com­plete­ly immo­bilised. With­out a rear axle I couldn’t even walk the bike to the local bike shop. I rang my part­ner Danielle in despair.

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The Grampians

Day 3: Horsham

I awoke ear­ly this morn­ing to the sound of kook­abur­ras laugh­ing, and then cock­a­toos hav­ing a scream­ing match, so much bet­ter than an alarm clock! I love the bush!! Enjoyed a beau­ti­ful sun­rise through the gum trees as I packed up camp and had a mues­li break­fast. The fam­i­ly I’d met, the two lit­tle fel­lows were up bright and ear­ly like me, so we enjoyed break­fast togeth­er before I head­ed back down the grav­el track to the high­way. Love­ly people!

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Rest stop on the Western Highway between Ballarat and Ararat

Day 2: The second departure

Slept in slight­ly, then as I was leav­ing from home and not com­ing back, need­ed to dou­ble-check that every­thing was packed into the trail­er and the gear was all ready to go.

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