Date writ­ten: 27 Sep­tem­ber 2019

Date post­ed: 7 Octo­ber 2019

This post was writ­ten by hand in my diary on the road, and entered into the blog when I got home.

Today was a very hard day. It start­ed off nice enough — awoke to kook­abur­ras and cock­a­toos once again, and as I packed up my ham­mock I saw a lit­tle pos­sum moth­er climb­ing the tree my ham­mock was on, with its baby on its back — unfor­tu­nate­ly, the pos­sums had also tak­en the lib­er­ty to piss and shit all over my tarps dur­ing the night. Tak­ing the good with the bad, I guess…

I set out from Dim­boola and before long reached Loch Iel, more com­mon­ly known as the Pink Lake. This salt pan is home to a type of algae that reacts to the sun by show­ing a pink hue, mak­ing the entire lake vary­ing shades of pink depend­ing on time of year, sun posi­tion, etc. It was very beautiful…

Despite my ear­ly start, the wind was direct­ly in my face at 40 kph, gust­ing to 50–55 kph, and any time I saved in the morn­ing was quick­ly con­sumed by my strug­gle into the strong head­wind. I fig­ured out why Nhill has a silent ‘h’ — the hills are ‘hid­den’, in that it seems nice and flat by car but on the bike, espe­cial­ly with a head­wind, those hills are enough to wear you down.

By the time I reached Kani­va, near the Victorian/South Aus­tralian bor­der, I was utter­ly exhaust­ed. Des­per­ate to reach the bor­der today, I was very dis­ap­point­ed to have to call it a day at Kani­va, and I booked into a local motel for the day. My body had just had enough, and it’s unsafe to be rid­ing along a high­way when you’re men­tal­ly and phys­i­cal­ly exhausted.

Kani­va is a weird lit­tle town. Today is a pub­lic hol­i­day in Mel­bourne (for the AFL Grand Final Parade) but I’m not sure if it was being observed in Kani­va. There were some pret­ty dodgy look­ing char­ac­ters get­ting around, plen­ty of meth heads walk­ing the streets with no shoes and no hopes. Again, it could’ve just been a bad impres­sion left by a pub­lic hol­i­day but I was giv­en the dis­tinct impres­sion of Kani­va as a bit of a dead town. The sur­round­ing coun­try­side is pret­ty enough though. I popped by the lit­tle pub for a meal then hit the sack.

How I’d rate today’s journey:

The Journey

The stats

This ride was split over more than one day, due to inclement weather.

Distance ridden
0h 0m 0s
Riding time
Elevation (climbed)
Average speed
Average heartrate
Calories burned
Max speed
Pedal strokes
Down­load file: bikeit-day4-horsham-bordertown.gpx

This post first appeared at

I have since retired the web­site as it is no longer need­ed and was cost­ing me mon­ey. I have copied the key arti­cles here.

Category: Bike It In A Dress, Cycling
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