Sneaking away mid-week for an Eildon fishing session

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  3. Sneaking away mid-week for an Eildon fishing session
Caught 0 fish
Spinning, Bait, Fly

With every­thing in my life being so busy late­ly, I man­aged to get away for a sneaky mid-week overnight fish­ing trip on Tues­day after­noon, return­ing last night.

I did­n’t catch any fish, but it was won­der­ful to get away and get my lines wet, hang­ing with some mates. They booked a cab­in for their East­er fam­i­ly hol­i­day, so I grabbed an unpow­ered site at the same park and pitched my swag for the night. We fished all day at our var­i­ous favourite spots, saw plen­ty of fish, but they just weren’t hav­ing any­thing we put before them.

Some young guys were catch­ing small browns by drift­ing worms in the Goul­burn, but for the most part the fish­er­men around us were strik­ing out as well. Luck­i­ly for my mates they got onto some fish the day after I left, which is nice (for them! 🤣).

Despite the lack of a fresh catch to eat for din­ner, I had the most won­der­ful­ly relax­ing day. I packed a pipe and sat by the Pondage when my phone buzzed to tell me it was 13:00, and time for a dai­ly rou­tine at Starlight where the Mel­bourne office gets togeth­er to have a go at The Age Quiz. I logged in over Microsoft Teams to the group chat, got a few groans that I was out fish­ing, and that was worth the trip just for the giggles!

Category: Camping, Fishing
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