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Posts about cycling, trips on the bike (both inter­est­ing local out­ings and mul­ti-day tour­ing trips), gear reviews, any­thing real­ly relat­ed to two-wheel­in’ fun…


Planning a tour of the Apple Isle: Tasmania 2022

With inter­na­tion­al bor­ders closed (for Aus­tralians, any­way) until god-only-knows-when, and a nice local trip look­ing very attrac­tive as an intro­duc­tion to tour­ing for my part­ner Danielle, we’ve been plan­ning a Tas­man­ian East Coast cycling trip for a few months now. We’ve out­lined a nice 15-leg route that will take us 13–14 days in total rid­ing, across per­haps three weeks (giv­en rests and sightseeing).

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“Tell ‘im he’s dreamin’!” Dealing with lockdown boredom by prepping for Europe

Vic­to­ria is cur­rent­ly in our fourth COVID-19 lock­down, and I find myself sit­ting inside, on a chill but sun­ny Sun­day after­noon in late autumn, prepar­ing for a Euro­pean bike tour that might nev­er even­tu­ate, but even if it does, cer­tain­ly won’t for quite a few years. So why both­er plan­ning it at all? Well, pri­mar­i­ly the answer to that ques­tion at the moment is: I’m bored shit­less. But I also need some­thing to look for­ward to.

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Murray River Day 4: Torrumbarry to Echuca

This morn­ing I woke up to the nicest morn­ing yet. A beau­ti­ful sun­rise was shin­ing through the trees and across the riv­er, light­ing up a wedge-tailed eagle in her nest in the tree direct­ly above my tent. Com­pared to the wind of last night it was a beau­ti­ful tran­quil scene.

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Murray River Day 3: Cohuna to Torrumbarry

I had a bit of rain today, but noth­ing too heavy and after the past few days, it was actu­al­ly quite refresh­ing. I woke in Cohu­na, had my cof­fee and break­fast and packed down my camp quite quick­ly. I didn’t have phone recep­tion so was keen to get into a bet­ter area for it so I could let my part­ner know I was OK, etc. I was also low on water so decid­ed to ven­ture away from the Mur­ray to detour through Cohu­na township.

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The River Track runs right along the Murray River for much of the track's length

Murray River Day 2: Murrabit to Cohuna

I slept in today, and had a nice camp­fire break­fast of fried eggs, mues­li bars and espres­so cof­fee, before pack­ing my bag and explor­ing the Camp­bells Island State For­est on my way down to Barham and Koondrook.

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Murray River Day 1: Swan Hill to Murrabit

I got up nice and ear­ly this morn­ing — 0500 — to catch the Bal­larat V/Line train to Mel­bourne at 0615. I packed the bike last night, mak­ing sure every­thing was lashed and ready to go. Then lo and behold, the skies opened up and rain start­ed pour­ing! Not the most aus­pi­cious start to the trip…

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Planning my next small tour

With the com­ple­tion of my bach­e­lor’s degree only a few weeks away (excit­ing!) I want to cel­e­brate the past five years’ hard work with a mul­ti-day bike tour. There is…
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Latest activities

  • Morning Ride
    On 20 January 2025 07:35 went 21.76 km during 00:54:39 hours climbing 41.00 meters burning 868 calories.
  • Truncated Buninyong Loop
    On 19 January 2025 08:09 went 25.35 km during 01:18:25 hours climbing 182.00 meters burning 1,037 calories.
  • Evening Ride
    On 16 January 2025 18:45 went 4.11 km during 00:13:35 hours climbing 25.00 meters burning 157 calories.
  • Afternoon Ride
    On 16 January 2025 16:34 went 5.20 km during 00:19:03 hours climbing 26.00 meters burning 217 calories.
  • Morning Ride
    On 16 January 2025 07:47 went 5.79 km during 00:18:55 hours climbing 20.00 meters burning 219 calories.

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