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Murray River Day 3: Cohuna to Torrumbarry

I had a bit of rain today, but noth­ing too heavy and after the past few days, it was actu­al­ly quite refresh­ing. I woke in Cohu­na, had my cof­fee and break­fast and packed down my camp quite quick­ly. I didn’t have phone recep­tion so was keen to get into a bet­ter area for it so I could let my part­ner know I was OK, etc. I was also low on water so decid­ed to ven­ture away from the Mur­ray to detour through Cohu­na township.

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The River Track runs right along the Murray River for much of the track's length

Murray River Day 2: Murrabit to Cohuna

I slept in today, and had a nice camp­fire break­fast of fried eggs, mues­li bars and espres­so cof­fee, before pack­ing my bag and explor­ing the Camp­bells Island State For­est on my way down to Barham and Koondrook.

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Murray River Day 1: Swan Hill to Murrabit

I got up nice and ear­ly this morn­ing — 0500 — to catch the Bal­larat V/Line train to Mel­bourne at 0615. I packed the bike last night, mak­ing sure every­thing was lashed and ready to go. Then lo and behold, the skies opened up and rain start­ed pour­ing! Not the most aus­pi­cious start to the trip…

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Planning my next small tour

With the com­ple­tion of my bach­e­lor’s degree only a few weeks away (excit­ing!) I want to cel­e­brate the past five years’ hard work with a mul­ti-day bike tour. There is…
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Climbing into the Adelaide Hills from Kanmantoo

Day 10: Pushing beyond the limit, and arriving in Adelaide

Today’s ride was by far the tough­est, most gru­elling bicy­cle ride I’d ever under­tak­en, and pushed my body to lim­its I had­n’t exceed­ed for more than ten years… I rode along the city streets down Glen Osmond Road and then Pul­teney Street like a con­quer­ing Roman cae­sar as I beamed with pride, appre­ci­a­tion and sat­is­fac­tion, stop­ping at Run­dle Mall and achiev­ing what I’d set out to do six months ear­li­er, with noth­ing more than a rough sketch of a plan and a crazy idea to ride to Ade­laide in a school dress.

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Pelicans on the Murray River at Murray Bridge

Day 9: Resting in Murray Bridge

Today was sched­uled as a rest and recov­ery day, to allow me to a) recov­er from the past eight day’s jour­ney, and b) rest in prepa­ra­tion for tomor­row, which might turn out to be the hard­est day’s ride yet. So I stayed anoth­er day at the Mur­ray Bridge Mari­na & Car­a­van Park on Rop­er Road, Mur­ray Bridge.

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The mighty and beautiful Murray River at sunset

Day 8: The Mighty Murray!

I left Coon­alpyn this morn­ing feel­ing pret­ty awe­some. I’ve got­ten a large por­tion of my jour­ney out of the way, I’ve stayed at some great places, met some love­ly peo­ple, and seen some beau­ti­ful sights.

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Coonalpyn Silo Mural

Day 7: A hangover to Coonalpyn

I woke up this morn­ing with a bit of a hang­over, but noth­ing too bad, and got my laun­dry done pret­ty ear­ly. I wan­dered around town for a while, check­ing out the Bor­der­town train sta­tion, a stop for the Over­land Train I’ll be tak­ing back to Mel­bourne this com­ing Fri­day, and was sad­dened at how run-down and in need of main­te­nance the neglect­ed but beau­ti­ful her­itage sta­tion was.

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Toby Greene looking like a sad sack

Day 6: Watching GWS get spat out by a Tiger

After the hard day yes­ter­day, today was bril­liant! Awoke refreshed, with not a lot of dis­tance to cov­er to fin­ish off Leg 4 — about 40 km to Bor­der­town, SA. I left Kani­va ear­ly and head­ed out for the bor­der between Vic­to­ria and South Aus­tralia at Ser­vice­ton. I was soooo hap­py to final­ly reach the bor­der. Although I’ve already cov­ered half the dis­tance of my jour­ney, in my mind the bor­der has always been the ‘halfway’ milestone.

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